Adverbs are used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb: [1] Mary sings beautifully [2] David is extremely clever [3] This car goes incredibly fast In [1], the adverb beautifully tells us how Mary sings. In [2], extremely tells us the degree to which David is clever. Finally, in [3], the adverb incredibly tells us how fast the car goes. Before discussing the meaning of adverbs, however, we will identify some of their formal characteristics.
Formal Characteristics of Adverbs From our examples above, you can see that many adverbs end in -ly. More precisely, they are formed by adding -ly to an adjective: Adjective | slow | quick | soft | sudden | gradual | Adverb | slowly | quickly | softly | suddenly | gradually | Because of their distinctive endings, these adverbs are known as -LY ADVERBS. However, by no means all adverbs end in -ly. Note also that some adjectives also end in -ly, including costly, deadly, friendly, kindly, likely, lively, manly, and timely. Like adjectives, many adverbs are GRADABLE, that is, we can modify them using very or extremely: softly | very softly | suddenly | very suddenly | slowly | extremely slowly | The modifying words very and extremely are themselves adverbs. They are called DEGREE ADVERBS because they specify the degree to which an adjective or another adverb applies. Degree adverbs include almost, barely, entirely, highly, quite, slightly, totally, and utterly. Degree adverbs are not gradable (*extremely very). Like adjectives, too, some adverbs can take COMPARATIVE and SUPERLATIVE forms, with -er and -est: John works hard -- Mary works harder -- I work hardest However, the majority of adverbs do not take these endings. Instead, they form the comparative using more and the superlative using most: Adverb | Comparative | Superlative | recently | more recently | most recently | effectively | more effectively | most effectively | frequently | more frequently | most frequently | In the formation of comparatives and superlatives, some adverbs are irregular: Adverb | Comparative | Superlative | well | better | best | badly | worse | worst | little | less | least | much | more | most | Adverbs and Adjectives Adverbs and adjectives have important characteristics in common -- in particular their gradability, and the fact that they have comparative and superlative forms. However, an important distinguishing feature is that adverbs do not modify nouns, either attributively or predicatively: Adjective | Adverb | David is a happy child | *David is a happily child | David is happy | *David is happily | The following words, together with their comparative and superlative forms, can be both adverbs and adjectives: early, far, fast, hard, late The following sentences illustrate the two uses of early: Adjective | Adverb | I'll catch the early train | I awoke early this morning | The comparative better and the superlative best, as well as some words denoting time intervals (daily, weekly, monthly), can also be adverbs or adjectives, depending on how they are used. We have incorporated some of these words into the following exercise. See if you can distinguish between the adverbs and the adjectives.
In each of the following pairs, indicate whether the highlighted word is an adverb or an adjective: Parte superior do formulário 1a. My train arrived late, as usual
1b. I'm watching the late film | Adverb Adjective Adverb Adjective | 2a. My brother loves fast cars 2b. He drives too fast | Adverb Adjective Adverb Adjective | 3a. This exercise is harder than I thought 3b. I hope you'll try harder in future | Adverb Adjective Adverb Adjective | 4a. The Times is published daily 4b. The Times is a daily newspaper | Adverb Adjective Adverb Adjective | 5a. You've just ruined my best shirt 5b. Computers work best if you kick them | Adverb Adjective Adverb Adjective | Parte inferior do formulário |
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